For example, we invest our time and effort to bring you the best authors of the wonderful stories we publish. But we don’t stop there. At SwordPen, we understand that the authors’ words come even more alive when portrayed by a superb illustration.
That’s why we also believe strongly in investing in the best artists – artists whose imaginations equal their artistic abilities.
Why the best? Because great illustrators don’t just statically depict the story – they help tell it. There are times when we actually with-hold some of the story line, but instruct our illustrators to depict the idea in part of the picture. This allows the child the pleasure of inferring an idea on their own. It allows them to be creative learners instead of passive ones.
Illustrations can also help a new reader learn to read. A vivid illustration helps her imagine what all those words are saying, literally and figuratively. Creative illustrations have the power to not only bring joy to the new reader but also give her the desire to keep at it as her skills grow stronger.
The illustrations we use for all of SwordPen’s books add color, excitement, and heartfelt sentiment to any tale. The combination is magical. Our books prompt youngsters’ minds to imagine and inspire them to think.
A great book shuts out the noise and prattle that permeates today’s world and invites readers young and old to retreat, relax and relish another time and place – even if only for a little while. It is surely a place to which they will constantly want to return. Especially for another SwordPen book!
At SwordPen we will continue to use all of our resources, both monetary and creative, to invest in your child’s life long reading career. When you buy childrens books, you have our word that we will always do our best to create and expand our library of, remarkable and memorable, quality children’s literature.
After all, there is no better investment we can think of than our children’s future.